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Red Tide Lunch and Learn! (Virtual)

How close are we to red tide mitigation?

Florida Red TIdes occur annually in southwest Florida, impacting human health and marine biota as well disrupting local economies. In recent years there has been considerable research on novel new mitigation strategies to combat both blooms and their impacts. This joint seminar will present an overview of some of the latest promising new mitigation research being conducted and test at Mote, from clay to nanotechnology to new deployment platforms.

Presented by Mote Staff Scientists: Dr. Richard Pierce, Associate Vice President for Research, Senior Scientist, Program Manager Ecotoxicology & Dr. Cindy Heil, Director of Red Tide Institute, Mitigation Research Program Manager

Earlier Event: September 18
International Coastal Cleanup 2021
Later Event: November 6
H2Whoa! 5k